Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Nausea is something that each and every dog owner will have to deal with at some point or another. Understanding how to treat this common ailment at home with unique feeding procedures and supportive care can often mean the difference between a quick recovery for a vomiting dog or an extended stretch of illness that leads to the vet’s office.
“Dogs are notorious for eating what they’re not supposed to, whether it’s an unfamiliar food, your shoes, a rock, or your child’s dinner, so vomiting is among the most common ailments you’ll see as a vet,” explained Dr. Michael Levine, DVM.
Gastritis or inflammation of the stomach lining is a leading cause of vomiting in dogs. Gastritis can be triggered by an unfamiliar food item, a non-food item or by a virus.
“The first step to treating a vomiting dog involves allowing the stomach to rest – food and large amounts of fluid are only going to worsen the inflammation that’s causing the upset,” explained Dr. Levine.
In the case of a dog with a more minor stomach upset, food should be withheld for twelve hours. If the dog's vomiting continues, an additional twelve hours of fasting is often necessary to allow the stomach to recover

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