Friday, May 07, 2010


Now, here is my list of 10 good and easy things to do to get yourself out of the lack of motivation, in overcoming depression or what they call "funk":

1. Go for a walk - I'm not talking about going and joining a marathon here. If it is possible for you to walk around the block, or go for a round in a nearby garden to your place, you better go for it. Assure that you take in certain deep and meaningful breaths while you are outside. Inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly  helps a lot in clearing your lungs and mind, thereby ultimately helping you in overcoming depression.

2. Hug a Tree – I have mentioned this in one of my posts too. Nature heals a lot and being with the nature, trees and birds, is my favorite and most efficient way to de-stress myself. How wonderful it feels to just get away from all the worries and anxieties and get lost for a few hours near a babbling brook. If you can not find time to get away from your place for long trips or trekking, just try to walk bare foot on a lawn. It will help a lot.

3. Clean out clutter - One of the fastest and most effective ways to create new and fresh energy within you would be to clear away dull and lifeless energies. This can be done by putting away all the useless things around you. It is a great way to tell your subconscious that it is high time, you should get rid of all the unnecessary garbage and trash within yourself, thereby entirely energizing your mind, body and soul, once you get the hang of it.

4. Change the bed sheets – I love to do it, whenever I am feeling low. The feeling of lying down on soft, crisp, newly washed and color bed sheet, is one of a kind and extremely comfortable. The best would be, if you can go out and buy some nice set of colorful bed linens to make your room brighter. This even calls for the “retail therapy” to bring up your low moods. When was the last time you changed your bed sheets? Try to make it a routine to weekly change bed sheets and keep a track of it. It can be a great way to work as your mood meter. For instance, whenever you feel you are off this routine of regularly changing your bed sheets, you would know that you are slowly slipping into the” funk” territory.

5. See some funny videos – Forget about the tear-jerkers, action, dramas and romance which could be the most happening things around you at theatres, auditoriums and televisions. You need a good hearty laugh to get out of that funk. The best way is to watch you favorite comedy movie to beat the mood. If you are not very fond of long movies, you can still any time watch funny videos. Since, you are able to read this post, I believe you have some decent access to the internet. Go to On the search textbox, type “funny videos” or “funny commercials”. You will get a plethora of such videos. Some may not be funny. But, still there are certain videos which are really good and can work extremely well in helping you breaking that “funk”.

6. Experiment with a new recipe – It is usually quite boring and sometimes depressing too, to just keep on preparing and eating the same kind of meals and foods again and again, every day. Try to be a bit adventurous here and experiment with your cooking. Get some new flavors, try a new recipe. It helps a great deal in changing your mood and bringing up some spice in your life.

7. Spend quality time with your pet - Take your dog or cat, and if you don’t have any, you can still go for your neighbor's pet, out on a to some nearby park, and play throw-catch there.  Animals love to be playful and help you also enjoy a lot, thereby de-stressing you.

8. Pamper yourself – Just list down the things that bring you the most joy. It could be anything right from getting into a bubble bath, reading a novel by your favorite writer, or going out for swimming/cycling/shopping, etc. And, for your sake, try to put off that negative voice which may threaten you saying that you don't deserve it. BECAUSE YES YOU DO!

9. Volunteer at a charity service – You can try putting yourself in a position to provide service to those who are less fortunate than you are. It will give an immense sense of peace and satisfaction when you help them. You will find your own worries, less troubling when you see the firsthand the plight of others.

10. Make a day special for someone – Try to let go off your feelings, and simply stop feeling sorry for yourself. The best way to divert your mind from you is to focus on giving something good to some one else and make his/her day special. I guarantee, later, you will both feel better.



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