Sunday, June 11, 2006

A must read...

Do you know that...Giraffes are the tallest mammals in the world. They grow up to 18 feet tall. They weigh between 2000 and 4000 pounds. Their bodies from front to hind legs are about 5 feet long. Giraffes are known for a beautiful pattern on their skin: large, brown spots on the yellowish background. Differences in pattern divide giraffes into two main groups: reticulated giraffes and blotched giraffes. The spots of reticulated giraffes are large, very similar in shape, and not much of the background is visible. It seems that the animal is all brown, but it is covered with a yellowish net. This kind of giraffe has no pattern below the knees. Blotched giraffes have a pattern that is not so regular. The spots have odd shapes and sizes. You can see more of the background, and its color is darker. Blotched giraffes are divided into smaller groups still depending on how their pattern looks like. The pattern of each giraffe is unique, and there are no two identical giraffes in the world.Via:

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Blogger bridget said...

hi, Thanks for your comment. I've been to the two sites you mentioned. they are really nice.

8:14 PM  

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