Wednesday, August 05, 2009

How to Offer Bland Food to a Vomiting Dog

I saw this article while surfing the net nd i thought it would be very useful for dog lovers.
When offering food, Dr. Levine recommends a gentle, bland food that will be easy on the stomach, like boiled skinless chicken or boiled hamburger (with the fat strained away) served with plain white rice or cottage cheese.
“When you first offer food, you need to offer just a little – only a bite or two. Once four hours has passed with no vomiting, a little bit more can be offered. Repeat this process until the dog is eating one-third of his usual meal size, served three times a day for three full days. Then, gradually phase in the dog’s normal food over the course of three or four days, as a sudden food switch may trigger a relapse,” Dr. Levine recommends.
Over-the-counter medications like Pepto Bismol can also be helpful in some instances. Always check with your vet before giving over-the-counter medications to your pet, as certain drugs cannot be given to certain patients, particularly if a dog is already on another medication.
For dogs that experience chronic stomach upset and vomiting, prescription bland foods, like Hill’s Prescription I/D Food, may be recommended.
In many cases, vomiting can be successfully treated at home with some simple measures, but it’s also key for dog owners to know when it’s time to visit the vet. Warning signs that indicate a serious problem include vomiting blood, projectile vomiting, a distended, tender abdomen, pale gums, an inability to hold down fluids or repeated vomiting with no improvement within 18-24 hours.

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