Wednesday, October 07, 2009


1.Outdoor pets often suffer from extreme hot weather, especially when they do not have adequate fresh, cool water or ample shade/shelter from the blazing sun. Bring animals inside during hot weathe.
2.Avoid chaining or tethering a dog in the yard. He/she may get twisted and become unable to reach shade or water, or may knock over his/her water dish.

3.Hydration is critical to help your pet regulate his/her body temperature. Be sure that pets have access to plenty of fresh, cool water at all times - indoors and out.
4.In homes without air conditioning, use fans to keep air circulating or keep the animal in a cooler area of the house, such as the basement, during the heat of the day.

5.Pets should avoid exercise or vigorous activity during the heat of the day. Instead, take walks in the early morning or cooler evening hours. Avoid hot concrete or asphalt surfaces as they may cause damage or discomfort to the animal’s paw pads.
6.Small dogs, and those with short noses such as pugs and bulldogs, are especially susceptible to heatstroke. However, it is a concern for all pets during hot weather.

7.Do not leave animals in parked cars. Even on a relatively mild 85-degree day in the shade, with the windows cracked, the temperature inside the car will reach 120 degrees in minutes. A dog or cat’s body temperature is approximately 101 - 102 degrees. He/she can only withstand the heat a short time before it becomes a life or death situation.

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