Dogs, like us, need healthy and good quality food to grow and support their bodily functions. Now well, an excess of food will only lead to obesity, a very frequent health problem. In order to avoid it, one must know the nutritional composition of the chosen food as well as its caloric content.
The serving of the dog should be mixed, meaning, you should add proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber at the same time. The liquid is essential for the nutrients to get distributed in an efficient way and for disposed materials to be expelled properly.
The daily intake of food depends on the weight, the lifestyle and age of each dog AND the daily serving can be calculated based the weight and the age of the animal. But there are special cases in which the charts don't work as a guide, as in the case of dog with a very fast metabolism (the ones that always seem to be hungry and too thin when they take the recommended dose), the puppies (they should eat food specially formulated for them), pregnant female dogs (their daily intake must be multiplied by 1.5) and female dogs that are breeding (they should take between 3 and 4 times more food than usual).
We will specify the caloric needs and the ideal weight for some breeds in the following chart. It is convenient to compare the chart with the label on the food package to make sure that your dog is eating correctly.
Ideal Dog Weight Based on Breed
230 Papillion, Chihuahua.
450 Toy Poodle.
750 Corgi, Small Terriers.
1010 Beagle, Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
1250 Basset Hound.
1470 Collie, Samoyed.
1675 Labrador, Airdale Terrier, Boxer.
1875 Bobtail.
2070 Lebrels, Irish Hound.